• Please update the quantity to your desired donation amount. Please note - WUSA is a non-profit organization and not a charity, thus we cannot provide you with an official charitable tax receipt.
  • We're a passionate group of musicians who produce song covers in our own time. Any kind of support will greatly help us to continue doing what we do. Check out our YouTube channel to see what you're supporting: https://youtube.com/AnimusicEnsembles Please update the quantity to your desired donation amount. Please note - WUSA is a non-profit organization and not a charity, thus we cannot provide you with an official charitable tax receipt. Animusic Ensembles is a group of musicians dedicated to playing music originating from primarily anime and video game soundtracks. Our ensemble accepts all instrumentalists. Arrangements are created by members and performed by groups of varying size and instrumentation.   Proceeds will go towards commissioning artists, arrangements, audio/video editing, and, when it is safe to do so, equipment for live performances. You can find and support our work here: FACEBOOK: @uwanimusic https://www.facebook.com/uwanimusic/ INSTAGRAM: @uw_animusic https://www.instagram.com/uw_animusic/ SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/uw_animusic YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/AnimusicEnsembles REDBUBBLE [NonProfit]: https://www.redbubble.com/people/uwanimusic/shop Official Correspondence: uw.animusic@gmail.com  
  • Paying membership fees goes towards funding all of the fun events the ACS has planned this term! Becoming an ACS official member also gives you exclusive perks that you can take advantage of throughout the term. This includes discounts on tickets for the paid events we hold as well as a free ACS swag!!
  • Purchasing ACS swag goes towards funding all of the fun events the ACS has planned this term!

  • 10AM - 5PM
  • Please update the quantity to your desired donation amount. For how-to donate and important rules: View EngSoc Bus Push Rules

    When making a donation, be sure to select the student’s class name and year (e.g., TRON 2026) so it counts toward their class total.

    Please note – WUSA is a non-profit organization and not a charity, thus we cannot provide you with an official charitable tax receipt.
  • RENTAL INFORMATION This Spring 2024, the WUSA Bike Centre is once again offering the bicycle rental program! Undergraduate students will have the opportunity to rent one of our rental bicycles at an affordable price for the entire term. To reserve a chance to rent a bike for the term, you will be required to pay a $20 refundable deposit. You will be contacted in early May regarding your request for a rental. If we are unable to offer you a rental bike, you will be contacted and a refund on your deposit will be issued within 2 weeks. The rental fee and damage deposit will be payable in cash, debit or credit when picking up your bike. Once you have purchased your deposit, you will be asked for more information to help us ensure we get you the right bike that fits and that you understand how the process works. Someone will contact you in early May for more information and to book your spot. Please contact us at bikecentre@wusa.ca or via social media for any questions you may have! PRICES 2 & 3 speed bikes: $45/month or $100/term (plus $250 refundable damage deposit) BICYCLE MODELS The following bicycle models will be available for rental:
    • NORCO CITY GLIDE 2SPD (small, medium, and large) http://www.norco.com/bikes/city/lifestyle/cityglide/cityglide-2speed-auto/
    • NORCO CITY GLIDE 3IGH MIXTE (small & medium) http://www.norco.com/bikes/city/lifestyle/cityglide-womens/cityglide-3igh-mixte/
    Please note that you must have a helmet with you when you pick up your rental. You must also use the lock provided and must lock it up at all times in the way that will be shown to you.
  • Please be sure to use your student email when checking out with your purchase.
  • Thank you for your donation to Food Support Service! Please update the quantity to your desired donation amount. Please note - WUSA is a non-profit organization and not a charity, thus we cannot provide you with an official charitable tax receipt.
  • Glow is the oldest continually-running university-based LGBTQ+ group in Canada. Run entirely by dedicated student volunteers, Glow promotes a healthy attitude towards all sexual orientations and gender identities on the UWaterloo campus by providing a wide variety of peer support, social events, advocacy work, and resources. The Glow Centre is located in the Student Life Centre, up a set of stairs off the Great Hall on the QNC side of the building. Look for the microwave! The accessible entrance is located by the SLC entrance closest to the SLC patio. If you need directions, the knowledgeable staff at the Turnkey Desk in the Great Hall are available 24/7. Thank you for your donation to Glow! Please update the quantity to your desired donation amount. Please note - WUSA is a non-profit organization and not a charity, thus we cannot provide you with an official charitable tax receipt.
  • Please update the quantity to your desired donation amount. Please note – WUSA is a non-profit organization and not a charity, thus we cannot provide you with an official charitable tax receipt.
  • Please update the quantity to your desired donation amount. Please note – WUSA is a non-profit organization and not a charity, thus we cannot provide you with an official charitable tax receipt.
  • Preserve history today with the mathNEWS Fall 2024 Anthology. All six groundbreaking issues of Volume 156 (Fall 2024) are collected here for your enjoyment in one convenient package, bound in exclusive full-color cover art! This is a pre-order. The anthology will be delivered for pickup at the mathNEWS office (MC 3030) or a mathNEWS production night by early March 2025.
  • Please update the quantity to your desired donation amount. Please note - WUSA is a non-profit organization and not a charity, thus we cannot provide you with an official charitable tax receipt.
  • Please update the quantity to your desired sponsorship amount. Please note - WUSA is a non-profit organization and not a charity, thus we cannot provide you with an official charitable tax receipt. If you wish to receive a proper invoice please submit your sponsorship through the accounting department. 
  • Thank you for your donation to RAISE! Please update the quantity to your desired donation amount. Please note - WUSA is a non-profit organization and not a charity, thus we cannot provide you with an official charitable tax receipt. "Racial Advocacy for Inclusion, Solidarity and Equity" (RAISE) is a student-led Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) service launching in the Winter 2019 term. RAISE serves to address racism and xenophobia on the University of Waterloo campus with initiatives reflective of RAISE's three pillars of Education and Advocacy, Peer-to-Peer Support, and Community Building. The initiatives include but are not limited to: formal means to report and confront racism, accessible and considerate peer-support, and organization of social events to cultivate both an uplifting and united community.  
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