About the Glow Centre
Glow is the oldest continually-running university-based 2SLGBTQ+ group in Canada dedicated to promoting healthy attitudes toward all sexual orientations and gender identities on campus at the University of Waterloo. Organized by Coordinators and run by dedicated Executives and Volunteers who provide a wide variety of peer support, social events, advocacy work, and resources.
The Glow Centre is located on the third floor of the Student Life Centre in room 3103. Take the elevator or stairs by Brubakers to the 3rd floor and the centre is the second office on the left (just past the stairs). If you require any further directions, the knowledgeable staff at the Turnkey Desk in the Great Hall is available 24/7.
Land Acknowledgements
The University of Waterloo and the Glow Centre are situated on the Haldimand Tract, land promised to the Haudenosaunee of the Six Nations of the Grand River, and is the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg, and Haudenosaunee peoples.
The teachings we hold around sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression, are largely westernized, and diverse expressions of gender and sexuality have long predated the colonization of Turtle Island. Since we have gathered around the premise of supporting the gender and sexually diverse students on our campus, we also want to acknowledge that we are fighting for rights to identities that have a history on these lands. Two-spirit people have existed on this land for thousands of years as revered members of their communities, but have been subjected to historical erasure by settlers.
The Glow Centre’s community was not the first gathering of queer and trans people on this land, and we do not claim to be. We acknowledge those who have been here before us and stand in solidarity with the local communities of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg, and Haudenosaunee peoples.
Trans Resources
Glow is committed to serving trans-identified and gender variant persons by making relevant resources accessible. If you or someone you know are having difficulty/have questions in accessing services and resources at the University of Waterloo please let Glow know (by whichever means you feel most comfortable – email, phone, in person) and we will do our best to find the information you are looking for.
Inclusive Resources
Glow strives to build and educate on inclusive practices within the University of Waterloo and beyond. It is important for the 2SLGBTQ+ community to be inclusive of and recognize the intersectionality of racial, ethnic, religious, and other social identities. The Glow Centre has developed resources to share with the goal of promoting and educating based on these principles.
Gender Neutral Washrooms
The Inclusive Bathroom Initiative, run by the Equity Office at the University of Waterloo, has been developing an action plan to create more inclusive bathrooms on campus. For the All-gender washrooms list, visit https://uwaterloo.ca/equity-diversity-inclusion-anti-racism/washrooms-list.
A map titled “University of Waterloo Gender Neutral Washroom Map” shows the locations of unisex and accessible unisex washrooms across the campus. The map includes symbols distinguishing between unisex and accessible unisex washrooms and a legend with building codes.
A map titled "University of Waterloo Gender Neutral Washroom Map" shows the locations of unisex and accessible unisex washrooms across the campus. The map includes symbols distinguishing between unisex and accessible unisex washrooms and a legend with building codes.
Glow Policies
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
At the Glow Centre, we value the identities, experiences, and privacy of centre users. We have established three specific policies (confidentiality, safe space, and inclusion), which are used by volunteers to ensure that a positive and welcoming environment can be accessed at any of the spaces Glow operates in. Our executive team and volunteers are committed to upholding these policies as members of a WUSA Student Run Service. View our Policies below.