WUSA 101: Your WUSA Health & Dental Plan

Navigating the healthcare system can be a challenge, but StudentCare is here to make sure you get everything you need to stay healthy! From dentist visits and therapy to massages and glasses, Studentcare has you covered.
What’s Covered?
Studentcare will cover $12, 500 per year and 80% of each prescription. You can even combine insurances if you are covered under your parents’ plan to maximize your coverage and get the remaining 20% paid for.
You are eligible for $750 of coverage per year with 70% of each visit to be covered. If you visit a dentist in StudentCare’s network, you may even be able to get another 20-30% covered to get full coverage!
Eye exams, glasses, and even laser eye surgery are all covered under the vision plan. Just like dental, if you visit an optometrist in StudentCare’s network, you could get an extra 20-30% off.
Mental Health
Taking care of yourself is important and therapy can be a helpful tool in managing everyday life. Empower Me is a new program that gets you connected with the best professional for your concern. Contact them through their helpline: 1-833-628-5589. They are available 24/7, every day of the year.
Other Services
Check out Studentcare’s exclusive discounts, like 20% off at Rexall pharmacy.
Traveling Abroad
Studentcare has travel insurance that covers you for 150 days per trip. You can even get this extended if you are planning on doing a longer exchange or international experience program! To access the coverage, simply print the medi-passport from their website and keep it on you while traveling.
Don’t see what you need?
You can submit a special access form to get a drug covered that may not be included Studentcare’s standard coverage of prescriptions.
Submitting a Claim
Claiming your benefits has never been easier with the StudentCare app. Simply upload photos of your receipts to the app and they’ll email you once it has been approved. You can also submit claim forms through the mail to get a cheque with your money back.
Dialogue Health App
With in-person appointments being a challenge, StudentCare has introduced the new Dialogue Health app to deliver virtual care. Need to see a doctor? Get an appointment right on your phone from the comfort of your own home. You can even get your prescriptions managed and delivered right to your door with the app!
Dialogue Health App
Check out the WUSA page on the StudentCare website for more information on all plans so you know exactly what you have covered.