Get Involved with WUSA: Board Nominations Open!

Published: Monday, December 4, 2023

It’s that time of the year again! Are you looking to get involved with WUSA and make some meaningful changes to the school community? Here’s your chance! The nomination period has just begun, and nominations for the 2024 Board of Directors are now open.  

But why should you care? What even is the Board of Directors? What does this all mean?  

You’ve probably heard about the Board of Directors if you follow any of our @YourWUSA social channels or check in on the WUSA website. The Board of Directors is WUSA’s strategic governing body. The Board is responsible for supporting WUSA in a multitude of ways, most specifically geared towards legal, human resources, and financial affairs.   

There are 13 Board members each year, which include the President, Vice-President, and 11 Directors-At-Large. These members are all elected every Winter, to serve their 12-month terms – which run from the Spring to the following Winter.  

The Board is governed by the WUSA Bylaws. Board also establishes Policies, which set the beliefs and governing principles for WUSA. It creates an Annual Plan, which will always circle back to the 5-year plan constructed in 2020. The Board also meets once every month to discuss certain student advocacy issues, strategize, and regularly review WUSA’s policies.  

If any of this has piqued your interest, the Board might just be the place for you! Learn more about the electoral period here! 


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