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Student Life Tours

Want to learn about student life at Waterloo including clubs, student services, events, jobs, volunteer experiences, and other ways to get involved in campus life? 🤔 Student Life Tours will run July 8 – 11, 13 & 17 led by current students will take place every 15 minutes between 11:30 AM – 3 PM in the SLC starting from the MPR. These tours will also provide an opportunity to learn more about the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA), the official collective voice of Waterloo undergraduate students.

Mark your calendars and we’ll see you there, Warriors! 

Event is subject to change. Visit this page for the most up to date details. 

Questions related to the event?  Email cbwagler@wusa.ca

Disclaimer: Photographers & videographers will record this event. Images and audio may be broadcast, reproduced and/or made available in print publications, online or on mobile devices, and may form part of one or more audio-visual productions intended for initial release on the internet, television and on home or mobile devices. By attending this event, you are consenting to the use of your appearance, image, and voice in the production and in any promotion or use of the production in any media throughout the world. 


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