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Doodle Night

Drop by for a fun de-stressing event on Tuesday, June 4th from 4-6 pm in the SLC Multi-purpose room. Come on your own or come with your friends as we come together to paint and play while unleashing your inner creativity!
What is a Doodle Night?
It’s one of many undergrad escape events that Mates runs for Waterloo undergraduate students to come together, unwind and have fun. Doodle night allows students to get in touch with their creative side, de-stress and hang out.
This free event is exclusive to Waterloo undergraduate students.
All materials will be provided including colouring pages and a doodle mural.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Questions related to the event? Email mates@wusa.ca

For updates, follow @UWMates on Instagram!

Event is subject to change. Visit this page for the most up to date details. 

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