April Board Meeting Re-cap

A group of four people are seated around a table, engaged in discussion and looking at documents. The text on the image reads "April Board Meeting Re-cap" and the logo of the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) is visible. The background is teal.

Hi Waterloo Warriors! Here are the highlights from your WUSA April Board Meeting:  


  • CPI fees for the fiscal year will be increasing starting September 2023 
  • The Board Policy Manual and Committees’ Terms of Reference has been updated and available roles can be found here. 
  • The Audited Financial Statement for the 2021 – 2022 governing year was approved via e-vote. Stay tuned for announcements regarding the spring Special General Meeting where financial statements will be shared publicly with WUSA members 
  • There will be a $0.59 increase to both the Student Life Fee and the Academic Support and Advocacy Fee to cover increased costs for marketing and communications part-time and co-ops staff 
  • Capacity Canada was approved as board advisors for the fiscal year of 2024. 
  • The University of Waterloo Sikh Student Association (SSA) provided a brief regarding the human rights violations in Punjab against Sikh activists and requested that WUSA publicly condemns the acts of the Indian government and stand in solidarity with the Sikh students at the University of Waterloo. The Board’s position regarding this was that while WUSA typically speaks to student rights and can provide support for students that are affected, the Organization may not be adequately suited to make stances on international human rights issues. 


That’s all that we have for our April recap. Stay tuned for next month’s update. If you have questions or feedback, please visit our feedback page to submit 

Learn more about your 2023-2024 Board of Directors here. 

Published: Wednesday, May 10, 2023