Your search for a supportive Feminist community ends here!

This article will take a closer look at one of the most important services provided by WUSA: the Women’s Centre.
The Women’s Centre aims to provide a safe and supportive environment for all women and trans folks. They offer numerous resources and peer-support events, all designed to foster a female-supportive environment. Moreover, they provide students with sexual health resources such as pads, condoms, and lube. However, it’s important to note that the Women’s Centre is for everyone, and they take pride in being an organization with intersectional feminist values.
Let’s delve into some of the events they organize!
Let’s Talk About Sex (Kahoot Night): Last fall, this fun and educational event tested participants’ sex ed knowledge. Not only did students had the opportunity to learn about sex education, but they also had a shot at winning a $25 gift card to Stag Shop – amazing, right?
De-stress with the Women’s Centre: Offering a gentle and relaxing yoga session, this event allows students to care for their mental and physical health, which can often be overlooked amidst studies, work, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Tea Talks: Occurring every Tuesday, this event encourages students to engage in meaningful conversations and forge connections over refreshments.
Reading Club: The Women’s Centre also hosts a reading club. Their inaugural meeting will take place on October 4th, from 5-6 pm at SLC, room no. 3104. The club will delve into themes from the history of feminism and much more. It’s an event you won’t want to miss!
Slam Poetry Event: Held last fall, this was a compelling event inviting avid writers to present their pieces. Writing is an incredible medium for expressing feelings, benefiting both the writers and the listeners.
The Women’s Centre stands as a beacon of hope, empowerment, and community on campus. By offering a diverse range of events and services, they not only support women and trans individuals, but they also create an inclusive environment for everyone to learn, grow, and connect. From challenging discussions on feminism to relaxing yoga sessions, the Centre ensures that every individual has a space to express themselves and feel valued. Such initiatives are vital in today’s ever-evolving academic landscapes and societies, serving as reminders that unity, understanding, and collective growth are the keystones of a progressive community. So, whether you’re looking to engage in thoughtful dialogue, enhance your knowledge, or simply find a moment of solace, the Women’s Centre welcomes you with open arms.
Siddhant Chhugani
Communications Assistant