WUSA Board Update

Hey Warriors,
I wanted to share an update from the WUSA Board of Directors, Last month’s general election elected a new Board. All 11 Directors were elected along with the Vice President. However, due to a lack of candidates, no President was elected.
Instead of holding a by-election in the fall, amidst an already shortened election term, the Board – guided by WUSA 2022 Bylaws – has appointed Vice President Stephanie Ye-Mowe as the next WUSA President.
This means the role of Vice President is currently vacant. To address the gap, the WUSA officers have been tasked with recommending a suitable candidate to support the Board in a full-time capacity. This individual would be appointed by the Board to a special office per Bylaw 9.08 through April 30, 2023. We will be opening a job posting for this role soon. Stay tuned for further updates on this opportunity to serve Waterloo undergrads.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at pres@wusa.ca until I wrap up my term as your WUSA President on September 1.
Benjamin Easton
WUSA President 2021-2022