WUSA 101: Study Rooms

Written By: Bella McKenzie
Welcome back to WUSA 101, Warriors! This lesson is about the study rooms in SLC.
Libraries can get busy, especially during exam season. If you want a private room to study, you can book a study room in SLC!
Where are they? When can I book?
There are 19 private study rooms available in SLC. Different rooms have different capacities of between a 4-16 person capacity.
The study rooms are located on the 3rd, 2nd, and basement floors. Feel free to ask for directions!
Booking Hours: Study rooms are open from 7am to 10pm
The Turnkey desk is open 24/7 so contact them if you have more questions:
Call: 519-888-4434
Email: turnkeys@wusa.ca
How do I Book a Study Room in SLC?
Step 1: Go, in person, to the SLC Turnkey Desk to book your study room.
Step 2: Book your study room for up to 1 hour when booked on the same day OR up to 3 hours when booked in advance.
Step 3: You lend your Watcard as collateral for the key to the study room. When you return the key, we return your Watcard.
Step 4: Go to your study room and get some quality, focused, study time!
Step 5: At the end of your booked study time, clean up any mess made, turn off lights, and close the doors.
Step 6: Return the study room key and get your Watcard back!
10 Study Room Rules:
- Study rooms can only be booked in person at the Turnkey Desk.
- Study rooms may be booked for:
- 1 hour when booked on the same day.
- Up to a maximum of 3 hours when booked 24 hours in advance.
- Study rooms can only be booked once per day for one person or per group.
- A physical Watcard is required to exchange for a key and no other forms of ID are accepted.
- The room must be kept clean, and trash must be taken out when leaving.
- Furniture must be left as is.
- Lights must be turned off and doors closed when leaving the room.
- Dance practices cannot take place within study room.
- If you want to cancel or you expect to be more than 15 minutes late, please call or email us. Bookings can be cancelled if you’re more than 15 minutes late.
- Failure to comply with the rules may result in a strike or warning. If the student gets 3 strikes, they cannot book for the term anymore.
We hope to see you getting quality studying done soon! If you want helpful exam tips, check out our other article: Exam Tips