WUSA 101: Study Rooms

Published: Wednesday, December 7, 2022
WUSA 101 - Need a private room to study? Book a study room in SLC, open from 7am to 10pm

Written By: Bella McKenzie

Welcome back to WUSA 101, Warriors! This lesson is about the study rooms in SLC.

Libraries can get busy, especially during exam season. If you want a private room to study, you can book a study room in SLC!

Where are they? When can I book?

There are 19 private study rooms available in SLC. Different rooms have different capacities of between a 4-16 person capacity.

The study rooms are located on the 3rd, 2nd, and basement floors. Feel free to ask for directions!

Booking Hours: Study rooms are open from 7am to 10pm

The Turnkey desk is open 24/7 so contact them if you have more questions:

Call: 519-888-4434

Email: turnkeys@wusa.ca

How do I Book a Study Room in SLC?

Step 1: Go, in person, to the SLC Turnkey Desk to book your study room.

Step 2: Book your study room for up to 1 hour when booked on the same day OR up to 3 hours when booked in advance.

Step 3: You lend your Watcard as collateral for the key to the study room. When you return the key, we return your Watcard.

Step 4: Go to your study room and get some quality, focused, study time!

Step 5: At the end of your booked study time, clean up any mess made, turn off lights, and close the doors.

Step 6: Return the study room key and get your Watcard back!

10 Study Room Rules:

  1. Study rooms can only be booked in person at the Turnkey Desk.
  2. Study rooms may be booked for:
    • 1 hour when booked on the same day.
    • Up to a maximum of 3 hours when booked 24 hours in advance.
  3. Study rooms can only be booked once per day for one person or per group.
  4. A physical Watcard is required to exchange for a key and no other forms of ID are accepted.
  5. The room must be kept clean, and trash must be taken out when leaving.
  6. Furniture must be left as is.
  7. Lights must be turned off and doors closed when leaving the room.
  8. Dance practices cannot take place within study room.
  9. If you want to cancel or you expect to be more than 15 minutes late, please call or email us. Bookings can be cancelled if you’re more than 15 minutes late.
  10. Failure to comply with the rules may result in a strike or warning. If the student gets 3 strikes, they cannot book for the term anymore.

We hope to see you getting quality studying done soon! If you want helpful exam tips, check out our other article: Exam Tips


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