We attended the OUSA 59th General Assembly

WUSA attends the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance’s (OUSA) 59th General Assembly. Here is the Assembly Recap!
The Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) has attended another successful General Assembly (GA) at McMaster University. In the most recent spring GA, 12 WUSA delegates alongside other OUSA Delegations spent four intensive days discussing and approving student-written policy papers. These policy papers represent the interests and voices of 160,000 students across Ontario. The excitement of attending another GA is always in the air with seasoned GA delegates, new recruits, and staff members at different institutions.
The three policy papers at hand for this GA were:
- Addressing Racism & Religious Discrimination
- Gender-based & Sexual Violence Prevention and Response
- International Students & International Education
GA has three main components to ensure student voices from each delegation are maximized on our policy papers: breakout room sessions, authors rewrites/review, and plenary. We started the conference with two days of breakout rooms where student authors from Brock, McMaster, Waterloo, Queen’s, Western, Trent Durham sought feedback from delegations across all our member schools to ensure the papers accurately represent students’ concerns.
Following the breakout rooms, student authors go into long evenings of rewriting with our Research and Policy Analysts and Executive Director to address delegate comments so the papers are ready for review the next day and ready to be voted in at plenary.
That is the quick update from our Spring GA! We look forward to recruiting more delegates again in the Fall for a potential GA at Western or Waterloo.
Thank you!