Association of Health Students Undergraduate Members (AHSUM)
The Association of Health Students Undergraduate Members (AHSUM) is your student society! We are here to help with many aspects of your University of Waterloo experience. We have social events (meet and greet, BBQs, Mystery Busy Trips) and offer a number of services for Applied Health Sciences (AHS) students(including an exam bank, clothing orders, and a candy shop).
The AHSUM members, class representatives and the executive are responsible for making sure the voice of AHS undergraduates are heard by the departments, faculty, WUSA, and the rest of uWaterloo. Our AHSUM constitution is available for anyone to read.
Interested in book an Event on behalf of your society?
Societies Event Form
Food Vendor Form
Societies Crave Form
Additional Forms
Societies Resource Manual

Arts Student Union (ASU)
The Arts Student Union (ASU) is the official representative of all undergraduate arts students. Our main goal is to serve the arts community to the best of our abilities through education sessions, social events, and volunteering opportunities.
Under the ASU, are many societies that represent the various departments within the Faculty of Arts. It is the collaboration of the Faculty of Arts that results in the highest success for all.
The ASU office is located in Arts Lecture Hall (AL) 120, this office houses the tuck shop where anyone can get snacks and beverages as well as use our microwave.
Accounting & Finance Student Association (AFSA)
The Accounting & Finance Student Association (AFSA) is a student-run organization composed of Arts, Math, and Science accounting and finance students. Our goal is to meet the specific needs of accounting and finance students at the University of Waterloo.
We organize social events, distribute accounting and finance merchandise, organize professional development seminars, and hold other various accounting and finance-related activities throughout the year to help enrich your time as an accounting or finance student at uWaterloo.
Engineering Society (EngSoc)
The Engineering Society (EngSoc) is the official representative for all engineering undergraduate students at the University of Waterloo and exists to support you through your time at Waterloo academically, socially, and professionally. EngSoc serves its members in three main ways.
Environment Students Society (ESS)
The Environment Students Society (ESS) represents the undergraduate students in the Faculty of Environment. We seek to improve our education, maintain communication about important issues, keep you from going hungry with the ESS Coffee Shop, host social events, and work with the various student associations representing each program.
We consist of an executive council and association representatives. These positions are obtained by election and if there are fewer than two candidates, the applicant is acclaimed. Our weekly meetings are available for any undergraduate to attend, and help us to move forward with ideas, issues, policies and programs. Feel free to contact anyone on the ESS Executive with questions, comments or concerns.
Mathematics Society (MathSoc)
The Mathematics Society (MathSoc) promotes and coordinates student participation in athletic, cultural, social, academic and recreational activities. It provides services to undergraduates in the faculty; encourages inter-student communication and cooperation; increases awareness of the Faculty of Mathematics in the community; and gives a forum for student representation within the Faculty of Mathematics and the University of Waterloo as a whole.
Science Society (SciSoc)
The Science Society (SciSoc) is a volunteer-based student society here to support you during your time at the University of Waterloo. As an undergraduate Science student, you are already a member! Other Waterloo undergraduate students are welcome to join SciSoc as a social member by paying the society fee.
Our activities span both the academic and social aspects of student life and members enjoy events & services made available through the society. We strive to create opportunities for personal and professional development. We aim to complement formal education with exciting challenges outside of class. All members are encouraged to participate in planning, organizing and managing our activities.
The society communicates the opinions of Science students on various levels within the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) and the University of Waterloo. University-related concerns should be directed to the Science Society Executives for further investigation. We work alongside the WUSA Science Councillors and Science Senator to ensure a positive university experience for all students.
Society of Pharmacy Students (SOPhS)
The Society of Pharmacy Students (SOPhS) is committed to enriching the lives of its members, and unifying students’ voices in addressing issues on university-wide, local and national levels. SOPhS prides itself in providing students with social, athletic and educational events aimed at enriching their non-academic lives. SOPhS will facilitate student involvement within the surrounding community, thereby promoting the profession of pharmacy. Through it all, SOPhS will act with the highest codes of ethics and professionalism to lead the students by example.
Waterloo Optometry Student Society (UWOSS)
The University of Waterloo Optometry Student Society (UWOSS) is a student-run organization that represents the opinion and interests of the Optometry student body. UWOSS serves as a liaison between the Optometry students and main campus organizations such as Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association, and faculty members within the school. Each student at the School of Optometry is automatically a member of UWOSS, so we encourage you to participate in as many ways as possible. There are many committee positions within UWOSS that represent each class year as the Class Executive, each with different responsibilities (see “Get Involved”). UWOSS sponsors a number of social events: a Slo-pitch tournament, the “EyeScream” Halloween Party, the “EyeBall” Optometry Formal, the legendary Optometry “Corneal Cup” hockey tournament, “Optomspiel” curling tournament, “Sands of Sahara” beach volleyball tournament, and Optometry’s Skit Night. We hope that our UWOSS events will encourage fun and excitement throughout the school year, giving our optom family opportunities to relieve their studying blues! There are a number of ways for you to get involved, so we encourage your participation!
Please feel free to approach any of our executive if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, or if you are interested in getting involved with UWOSS. We look forward to representing UWOSS and are ready for a stellar year!
Waterloo Architecture Student Association (WASA)
The Waterloo Architecture Students Association is the undergraduate student union elected to represent all undergraduate architecture students. They tackle every issue from tuition policy to campus safety. WASA hosts many exciting events for students every term, as well as run a number of small and student–focused services on campus.