To help University of Waterloo students access free legal support, WUSA has partnered with Studentcare to provide legal advice on any subject and representation on issues relating to academic rights, co-op and employment, or housing and tenancy. This Plan is designed specifically for students.
Legal Protection Program
Please Note
Program lawyers will not provide any legal advice whatsoever that could be contrary to the interests of:
• Any student association in Ontario
• Any grouping of student associations in Ontario
• Studentcare
Who is automatically covered?
All full and part-time undergraduate students who are members of WUSA can utilize the Student Legal Protection Program. This includes all international students, co-op students on officially recognized work terms, and students who are attending Waterloo on exchange.
What is included?
The Student Legal Protection Program covers:
* Prices and amounts are subject to change. For complete details please visit the StudentCare website.
- Fees of lawyers or bailiffs
- Legal expenses (disbursements): Court fees, including adverse costs awarded
- Attendance fees
- Missed wages
- Witness expenses
- Experts’ fees up to a maximum of $1,000
- and more!
Frivolous cases — The service will refuse frivolous cases, those being defined as any lawsuit that is filed with the intention of harassing, annoying, or disturbing the opposite party, including potentially a lawsuit in which the plaintiff knows there is little to no chance of success in court.
Exception to coverage — This service cannot be used to pursue and/or defend against legal proceedings where the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association would be a party or for the purpose of any other litigation.
Review and Appeal
In the event the service's partner law firm refuses to represent your case, you can request a review by an independent lawyer, who will examine the decision to confirm or reverse it. See www.studentcare.ca for more details on how to request a review (including necessary documentation).
- If the original decision is reversed, your case will be supported without further delay.
- If the original decision is confirmed, you can appeal to the Legal Protection Appeals Committee. Exceptions to this appeal are situations related to the reasonable chance of success of the case or in frivolous cases.
The Legal Protection Appeals Committee will hear, consider, and make determinations on appeals of decisions relating to the context of subject areas of protection. The decision of the appeals committee will be final and cannot be further appealed.