Return to Campus Letter to UWaterloo Administration

Returning-to-Campus after a global pandemic hasn’t been easy. It’s difficult for decision-makers to know where the sticking points are when they’re not the ones on the ground. That’s why hearing from you has been so important. From concerns about the availability of study spaces to the rollout of the vaccine mandate, we’ve compiled all your questions, concerns, and feedback and have worked to funnel them up to the right places within the University in the form of recommendations and a list of issues we are hopeful will be addressed before the start of the winter semester.
The University has responded to let us know they are taking the detailed feedback and recommendations into consideration. Collaboration between WUSA (Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association), and the University will be ongoing as we work towards a winter term that suits the voiced concerns of the undergraduate students of UWaterloo.
We will keep you updated on developments via our News Updates page here, and via @yourWUSA social media channels.
If you have questions or concerns, please email your 2021-2022 WUSA Executive Team at