Referendum Campaign Committee Details

Thank you for submitting your information to help voters engage with your campaign in this election!

Get your submissions in as soon as you can! Here’s why:

  1. Once received, it can take up to three business days before your information is live on the website. Each submission is reviewed for legitimacy by Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) elections support staff, and then manually uploaded to .

  2. We will try our best, but we can’t guarantee posting of submissions received three or less business days before the first day of voting.

  3. It takes time to design, prepare and deliver printed marketing materials, so get your submissions in early to ensure your information also makes it onto our brochures and other printed materials!

Information and privacy: questions regarding the collection of information on this form can be directed to the form administrator.

Be short and sweet here, this part should be read in under 15 seconds. You can direct readers to your website, social or other link to access your full platform.
For use by WUSA Elections support staff only, in case of an issue with information submitted on this form.

Thank you and happy campaigning!