Peer Support During Exam Season

A person in a winter coat reads an informational display about "Peer Support" offered by "MUSA Mates." The display includes sections titled "About Us" and "Who are Mates?" with text explaining their roles and support services, which can be especially helpful during exam season.

Did you know that WUSA has several peer supports that are available to you as an undergraduate student? Exam season is coming up soon and we can sense the excitement of wrapping up classes and the tension of exam season in the air! Whether you have presentations, assignments and exams coming up, we here at WUSA want to make sure this exam season is as less stressful as possible.  

Let’s take a look at the peer supports that you can reach out to this exam season! 


Mates is a dedicated service that prioritizes student well-being. We provide confidential one-on-one peer support sessions for students seeking a safe space to talk. Additionally, the physical office features a wellness lounge where students can stop by and engage in various wellness activities. With a team of upper-year students ready to assist you, Mates is here to support you through any challenges you may face. During appointments, Mates volunteers are there to listen and support you. Through a strength-based approach, Mates volunteers can provide resources and strategies, and work with you to find a solution that meets your needs. You can book a single session, or come back as many times as you need! 

To connect:  

In-person appointments are available through drop-ins or our booking page. 

Online appointments are available by booking through emailing or by using our booking page. 

The Wellness Lounge is open and check out the lounge’s updated hours on the @UWMates Instagram page! 


Center for Academic Policy Support (CAPS) 

The Centre for Academic Policy Support (CAPS) is a confidential student support service operated by students, dedicated to assisting fellow Waterloo undergraduates. The CAPS Coordinator is equipped with training to guide students through academic policy matters, including filing petitions, grievances, and appeals. The support believes in the principle of students supporting students and is their mission at CAPS. 

To access assistance, simply send them an email from your UWaterloo email address. In the email, provide a concise explanation of your situation and specify the support you require. You can expect a response within 48 hours on regular business days (Monday-Friday). 

Contact us if you: 

  • Need an exception from standard faculty or University regulations (e.g., submitting a petition). 
  • Feel you have been unfairly treated or discriminated against by a University member (e.g., filing a grievance). 
  • Disagree with a decision made and believe you have grounds for an appeal (e.g., initiating an appeal). 

If you’re uncertain about how to proceed, reach out to us, and we’ll assist you throughout the process. 

To connect:  


Special Mention: Racial Advocacy for Inclusion, Solidarity, and Equity (RAISE) 

Racial Advocacy for Inclusion, Solidarity, and Equity (RAISE) serves to address racism and xenophobia on the University of Waterloo campus with initiatives reflective of RAISE’s three pillars of education and advocacy, peer-to-peer support, and community building. RAISE offers confidential peer support tailored for racialized undergraduate students. This support is delivered by trained RAISE volunteers, executives, and coordinators. Their approach places students at the center, validating their lived experiences through an intersectional and anti-oppressive perspective. 

To connect:  

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM 

Drop-in Peer Support:
Mon/Wed/Thurs/Fri: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm 


Special Mention: Glow Centre 

The Glow Centre holds the distinction of being the longest-standing university-affiliated 2SLGBTQ+ organization in Canada, committed to fostering positive attitudes toward all sexual orientations and gender identities within the University of Waterloo community. Led by Coordinators and supported by devoted Executives and Volunteers, Glow offers an array of peer support services, social gatherings, advocacy initiatives, and resource provisions. 

To connect:  

Office Hours:

  • Tues: 1:00PM – 2:00PM, 3:00PM – 5:00PM
  • Wed: 5:00PM – 6:00PM
  • Thurs: 1:00PM – 3:00PM


Special Mention: International & Canadian Student Network (ICSN) 

The International & Canadian Student Network (ICSN) is a student-operated service within WUSA, aiming to create an inclusive environment for all local, international, and exchange students at the University and in the Waterloo community. Through their initiatives, we organize various events each term, providing opportunities for students to discover the area and forge valuable connections with individuals from diverse backgrounds worldwide. Additionally, ICSN also provides support to international students when navigating challenges and provides support as well! 

To connect:  

Let’s get this bread! 

To all our undergraduate students going into exam season, we wish you all the best! We know you have worked hard this term, and we hope the effort pays off! WUSA is committed to supporting its students during these stressful and challenging times. We would like to convey that if you need support, WUSA and its peer supports are here to help you in the best way possible for you! 

Good luck Warriors and we hope you get this bread 😊! 

Published: Wednesday, March 27, 2024