OUSA Consultations – Focus Group Sessions

Published: Friday, November 3, 2023

The Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) is currently collaborating with the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) to update their policy stance on Addressing Racism and Religious Discrimination, International Students and International Education, and Gender Based and Sexual Violence Prevention and Response.

OUSA is a student-led, provincial advocacy organization representing the interests of undergraduate students across Ontario and their policy stances guide the advocacy work they engage in.

WUSA is consulting with University of Waterloo students to ensure that their concerns are adequately represented in the provincial advocacy work that OUSA engages with.

If you are interested in participating in a focus group session on this topic, you can register for the specific session below:

Addressing Racism

Addressing Religious Discrimination

Gender Based and Sexual Violence Prevention and Response

International Students and International Education

Those who attend the focus groups will also be paid $30 in a gift card of their choice.

Students who don’t feel comfortable sharing feedback in a focus group or are unable to attend the specific date/time have the option to fill out an online anonymous consultation form here. Survey participants can enter a draw for one of two $50 gift cards to a retailer of their choice.


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