Meet & Greet Recap: Provincial Platform Showcase

A banner titled "Political Party Provincial Platform Showcase" with the Elections Ontario logo and logos of various political parties including Liberal, Ontario PC, Ontario NDP, and Green Party of Ontario. Sponsors listed are WUSA, Conestoga Students Inc, and Laurier Students' Union.

“Our youth won’t engage unless they feel like they are listened to.” – Laura Mae Lindo, NDP Candidate for Kitchener Centre.  

On Thursday, May 26, the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association worked with Conestoga Students Incorporated (CSI) to host our Political Parties Meet & Greet event. The forum featured our current candidates for Waterloo, Kitchener Centre, Kitchener South—Hespeler, and Kitchener—Conestoga. Below is a list of candidates who were in at the event.*  

Click on the below to learn more about each party’s platforms regarding questions that are important to YOU as UWaterloo Undergrads! 

From the Ontario Liberal Party: 

  • Ismail Mohamed – Candidate for Kitchener South—Hespeler 
  • Jennifer Tuck – Candidate for Waterloo 
  • Kelly Steiss – Candidate for Kitchener Centre 
  • Melanie van Alphen – Candidate for Kitchener—Conestoga 

From the Ontario New Democratic Party: 

  • Karen Meissner – Candidate for Kitchener—Conestoga 
  • Joanne Weston – Candidate for Kitchener South—Hespeler 
  • Laura Mae Lindo – Candidate for Kitchener Centre 

From the Green Party of Ontario: 

  • Carla Johnson – Candidate for Cambridge 
  • Shefaza Esmail – Candidate for Waterloo 

The Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario was invited to attend but three candidates noted scheduling conflicts; two didn’t respond. *  

Our WUSA Representatives engaged in meaningful conversations with our attendees. Topics of discussion included support for student unions and grassroots organizations, the effects of inflation on the incoming workforce, as well as the importance of youth engagement with political parties in Canada. Karen Meissner, the NDP candidate for Kitchener-Conestoga, recognized that youth advocacy today does not look like a traditional campaign – conversation and support is expressed through social media, graffiti, and other creative ways.  

More Information on the Provincial Election 

  • The Student Success Office (SSO) put together a Student Voting Guide. Click here to access.  
  • Queer Vote Ontario is a non-partisan campaign to put 2SLGBTQI+ issues on the agenda in the 2022 Ontario Election. They are here to raise the bar on 2SLGBTQI+ health, safety and rights in our province. Click here to learn more. 
  • Visit our government and legal sources guide to learn more about Ontario’s political structure.  
  • The Political Science Department also publishes research about our political and social climate, for advanced insights into Canadian governance and policymaking.  
Published: Monday, May 30, 2022