International Caps Lock Day

It’s International Caps Locks Day! The day was first created in the year 2000, to poke fun at people who constantly used all Caps in their internet messages. Today, the day has evolved to highlight writing etiquette when communicating with people online. Communications in Caps Locks often reads as SHOUTING and can be looked down upon depending on the situation. But a friendly LOL is always appreciated!
The Writing and Communication Centre (WCC) can give you more deets on when and where you can use capital letters appropriately. If you’ve got any papers or presentations with deadlines creeping up, book a virtual appointment with the WCC! Whether it’s your final draft or you’ve barely come up with a thesis, the WCC is there is help. Here’s some of their other virtual services for undergraduate students:
PJ – Friendly Writing Groups – If you want company. while working, you can write with your peer in your PJs. These are casual meets you can join a peer tutor and a group of students to brainstorm ideas for projects, get some writing done and meet new people!
Email Tutoring – Due date creeping up and don’t have time to book an appoint at the WCC? You can get feedback over email on your written assignments, presentations, cover letters or anything communication related.
Asynchronous workshops – If you’ve got some time on your hands, use it to improve your communication skills with the WWC workshops! They’re offered for a variety of topics and are presented by the WWC advisors.
English Conversation Circle – Build your confidence in conversing in English by join these circle with other undergraduate and graduate students to chat. It’s a chance to meet other students and get to know about life in Canada.
Resources for First-Years – Wondering how your communications through assignments or presentation also transition in university from high school? Waterloo Ready to Write, is designed for first-years to learn about writing like an academic!
Check out general learning resources to different communications processes, happy writing Warriors and all the best with your assignments!