At the August 23rd, 2020 Students’ Council meeting, the assembly approved a Services Review, the goal of which was to ensure that WUSA Student-Run Services are meeting the diverse needs of the University of Waterloo student population. The services that were included in this review are Co-op Connection, the Glow Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity, International and Canadian Student Network (ICSN), Mentor Assistance Through Education and Support (MATES), Racial Advocacy for Inclusion, Solidarity and Equity (RAISE) and the Women’s Centre. These six services provide a range of supports to students at the University of Waterloo and it is imperative that their operations are effective at doing so and that their coordinators, executives and volunteers are adequately supported to provide students with the support they need. The results of this report will be used to complete the following expected actions:

  • A revised mandate for each service (if necessary)
  • Action plan to implement and communicate any changes or decisions made throughout the review process
  • Revisions to policies and procedures to reflect the mandates of each service
  • Creation of a timeline for future review
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Categories: Reports
Tags: Campus Life, Services