Board Meeting Recap June

The image shows a vibrant restaurant storefront in an airport with colorful wall art depicting Indian street food and cultural scenes. A prominent sign reads "Chaska: Indian Street Food Obsession." A large poster outlines the restaurant's story and mission, almost like a board meeting recap from June.

The monthly Board Meeting for June took place on the 13th of the month. Let’s take a look at the major milestones and updates that were discussed.  


Updates about projects undertaken by the Board are outlined below: 

  • After overcoming several obstacles WUSA’s new Indian food outlet, called Chaska, is nearing completion with a target opening date in July 2024.  
  • This Spring term, SmashBites will continue to operate out of the Student Lounge, with plans to evolve WUSA’s convenience store as well.  
  • The Lounge on 3 will have more seating added and the Bombshelter Lounge Project is still in development with Plant Ops. 
  • WUSA’s IT and Clubs staff upgraded the clubs expenses reimbursements process for increased efficiency, with several transactions already conducted successfully using this new system. 
  • WUSA staff have attended several conferences and industry shows throughout the first half of the term. WUSA is currently hiring additional contract staff to better facilitate Clubs and Student Services.  
  • A draft for the budget/annual operating plan for 2024-25 is being worked on by WUSA’S Executive Director and Management team. 


Some important discussions and decision from the meeting include the following:  

  • The Board approved up to $20K towards gifts for first year orientation kits. 
  • Discussions took place to move forward on securing a third-party HR consulting firm to report on the termly progress of the Board for the rest of the governing year. 
  • Work and reviews for the petition continue to be worked on. The Board decided to investigate further into the upcoming changes to Co-op processes and will be conducting research on these changes before any direct advocacy action can be taken.  
Published: Monday, July 8, 2024