Know someone who needs signatures to run?
Click here to nominate them!

How to Nominate

As long as you’re a Waterloo undergrad, you can run in a WUSA election.

  • Step 1: Check out or the Elections page for any active elections (that you’re eligible for*).

    • You’re eligible for a current election AND nominations period is still open?! Awesome, proceed to step three.
    • No active elections? Don’t be discouraged: proceed to step two.

    *All current Waterloo undergrads are eligible to run for an Officer or Director position on the WUSA Board or an at-large undergrad seat on Waterloo’s Senate. Students are also eligible for a faculty specific seat on Waterloo’s Senate

  • Step 2: Missed the last election?

    There may still be an available position on WUSA’s Board. Check out vacancies for the current year on the Board page and contact the Chief Returning Officer (CRO) to let them know you’re interested in running for the seat. They will inform you of the process.

    Senate does things a little differently: all seats for the following academic year need to be filled by the March meeting of the current year (Senate, By-Law 3, section 2.01a). Any Senate vacancies left open after our annual general election in February could be filled via by-election in the fall term.

  • Step 3: Read though all information relevant to your candidacy below and get ready for the final step.

    • WUSA Officer and Senate at-large nominees:
    • WUSA Board and faculty-specific student Senate nominees:
      • Require 25 signatures to be nominated
      • For faculty-specific Senate, only Waterloo undergraduate students in your respective faculty are eligible to sign your nomination form, as these are the constituents you are running to represent (Senate Nomination Package)
      • For Board, any Waterloo undergraduate student can sign your nomination form (Director Nomination Package)
    • Completed applications are due by 4 p.m. on the last day of the Nominations Period (unless otherwise stated)
    • There is a mandatory All Candidates Meeting where you will learn important information about the elections process and the campaigning period. See important dates on the elections page for notice of the meeting
      • If you cannot attend the meeting, please email the Elections & Referenda Officer (ERO) as soon as possible to arrange an alternate option
      • In special cases (sometimes a by-election, for example) the ERO and CRO may forego an in-person All Candidates Meeting and instead will share the information via email once nominations period closes. You’ll know if that’s the case if there is no meeting listed under important dates.
    • Candidates are responsible for becoming familiar with the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association’s bylaw, Elections & Referenda Procedures, and all other applicable organizational documents available through the WUSA Library
    • Candidates are encouraged to submit their information through the Candidate Details Form found on as soon as possible to be included online and in any applicable WUSA Elections promotional materials
    • The WUSA Elections logo*, as well as other assistance for candidates is available in the Campaign Support section
  • Step 4: It’s time to take action! Nominations are just a click away at Waterloo undergrads can nominate you from anywhere by logging in with their WatIAM.

    Though the online nomination form is preferred, you can ask the Chief Returning Officer (CRO) for a paper package instead and return to the WUSA main office before the nomination period closes.

    Remember, you have until 4 p.m. on the last day of the nominations period to complete your nomination package.