Printing for Clubs and Services

WUSA Affiliate Prices

WUSA Marketing worked with the W Store on campus to provide a more affordable and higher-quality print solution for your marketing campaigns.

  • 11 x 17 colour on regular bond paper – $0.35 each
  • 8 ½ x 11 colour on regular bond paper – $0.15 each

*Posters must have the WUSA Logo, Clubs Seal or Vote logos approved by WUSA to receive this pricing

Pick up location: W Print | General Services Complex

Delivery location: Turnkey Desk, SLC (Student Life Centre)

Ready to print?

Files can be sent through email indicating WUSA Clubs Printing, WUSA Services Printing or WUSA Elections Printing in subject line to:


You have the choose to pay for the poster when you pick it up or to have it billed to your club/service account. Billing directly to your account will take a month and half—we get an statement once a month from the University including charges from W-Print.