WUSA now operates under a new governance model. The new Board of Directors page can be found here.
Board of Directors
Who are they?
The Board of Directors (BOD) is WUSA’s highest strategic decision-making body. It is accountable to the Students’ Council for guiding WUSA’s financial, human resources, legal and contractual affairs. The 10 members of the BOD are comprised of the President, VP Operations & Finance, two (2) elected Councillors, two (2) elected Directors (1-year term) and two (2) elected Directors (2-year term) who are nominated by Council’s Director Screen Panel who elected at the March General Meeting.
About the Board of Directors
Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) is constituted as a corporation without share capital under the Ontario Corporations Act. The Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association maintains an eleven member Board of Directors, which functions as its highest decision-making body.
The Board of Directors meets on behalf of the corporation’s shareholders (undergraduate UWaterloo students) largely to discuss and guide the financial and contractual affairs of the corporation, or under unusual and emergent circumstances, when Students’ Council is unable to make a decision on a particular matter.
The membership elects its two Students’ Council members and four at-large members at the March General Meeting. The Board of Directors is comprised of the following members:
- President, who is the Chief Executive Officer;
- VP Operations and Finance, who is Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer;
- Two voting members of Students’ Council;
- Two at-large members (1-year term);
- Two at-large members (2-year term);
- VP, Student Life (non-voting);
- VP, Education (non-voting); and
- General Manager (non-voting).
Vacancies occurring on the Board of Directors during the year are filled by the Board of Directors.
In addition to Federal and Provincial laws, the Board of Directors is bound by the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association’s Board Procedures.