November Board Meeting Recap

Published: Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Hey WUSA Gooses, 

We hope we have all had a great fall term. As it wraps up, we wanted to let you know about a few items the Board of Directors discussed at the November Board meeting. 

Winter 2024 General Election Dates: 

The Board of Directors approved the following dates for the upcoming elections for the Board and Senate roles which will take office in the Spring 2024 term: 

  • Nominations open: November 13, 2023 
  • Nominations close: January 15, 2024, 11:59 p.m. 
  • Interim Period: January 16, 2024-January 17, 2024 
  • All-Candidates Meeting: January 16, 2024 @ 6pm.  
  • Campaign Period Begins: January 18, 2024 
  • Voting Period: February 12, 2024 – February 14, 2024 
  • Results Announced: February 15, 2024 

Check out more election details here! You can submit your intent to run and collect nominations at

Off-Campus Housing Advocacy Stance: 

The Advocacy Positions Committee has been drafting a central WUSA stance about student concerns around off-campus housing for the last few months. This was identified as a priority in WUSA’s Annual Plan.  

Interested in getting involved with WUSA’s Advocacy work or want to learn more about how we consult to gather various student perspectives? Check out our Advocacy page! 

Board Member Accountability: 

The Directors on Board found that the measure of attaching a report-submission condition to Board member honorariums was appropriate in October and decided to extend this condition to November. They also tasked the Governance Committee to solidify this procedure, so it no longer needs to be a month-to-month decision. The Board recognizes that students want to know what Board members are doing in their roles in service of students and this reporting requirement ensures they make their activities known.  

You can learn more about how the Board functions at WUSA on our website or by checking out this Instagram reel! For more information about WUSA’s advocacy work, check out the Advocacy page on our website. 

WUSA’s Board meetings are livestreamed on YouTube! Subscribe and keep an eye out for our notifications so you never miss a video. 


President November Report 

Vice President November Report 

Executive Director Report 



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