June and July Board Meeting Re-cap

Hello Warriors! WUSA understands how busy your schedule gets with exams, exciting movies such as Barbie and Oppenheimer and what not. So, here we are with another short article to help you catch up with what happened at the board meetings during the past two months.
The following points present the decisions made by the board during June and July:
- The Turnkey Desk in DC is going through some necessary renovations to improve accessibility and an additional $30,000 was approved to complete this construction.
- The 2023-2024 Annual Plan was approved. More will be shared about this later in the spring term.
- The agenda was approved for the July 11th special general meeting.
- Renovations to update the SLC 3rd Floor Study Lounge required an additional $65,000 which was approved. . This will bring more modern seating and tech improvements to the space for all students.
- Additional $65,000 was approved to complete the SLC 3106 Study Lounge Project and an additional 5% contingency on the entire project cost was also approved.
- WUSA’s budget for the 2023-24 year was approved.
- After a pair of directors and WUSA’s VP Katie Traynor consulted with various Student Society VPs Academic, some recommendations were developed to be brought to Co-operative And Experiential Education regarding some pending changes from the university on co–op renege policies. WUSA staff will support Directors Jay Lan and Tham Sivakumaran and President Rory Norris who were nominated to lead the presentation of the approved recommendations in further negotiations with CEE.
To get to know more about Board’s function at WUSA, feel free to check out their page here and to learn more about WUSA’s Advocacy work, you can find that page here.
WUSA’s Board meetings are livestreamed on YouTube so subscribe and check your notifications to watch.