Governance Review Update – 10 December 2021

Published: Friday, December 10, 2021

Earlier this fall, we gave an update on the WUSA governance review, a process in which we have sought the advice of consultants with expertise in student association governance. As outlined in the 2021-2022 Annual Plan and 2020-2025 Strategic & Long-Range Plan, we are undertaking this process to help us create an accessible, accountable, transparent and democratic governance system.

In November, the Board of Directors and Students’ Council accepted-in-principle the consultants’ final report. This includes the report’s primary recommendation to merge Council and Board into a single governing body, elected annually from the undergraduate student body.

Also in November, Students’ Council considered timelines to implement the new governance model. In the spirit of reducing disruption to the organization, Council decided to investigate an extension of the governing year to allow more time to draft a new set of bylaws.

We asked our legal team to draft an Amending Bylaw to permit the extension of the governing year. On Sunday, December 5 Students’ Council approved this Amending Bylaw. The next step is to receive the Board’s approval, and we have scheduled a meeting on Tuesday, 21 December to consider the item. If the Amending Bylaw is approved then, we will call a Special General Meeting near the end of January to ratify the change.

According to this timeline, we will then present to Board and Council a new set of bylaws for approval. We will be sure to keep students up to date as we approach the Annual General Meeting in March 2022.

Transparency and member awareness is important to us. If you have any questions about the governance review and next steps, please get in touch with me by email at

Benjamin Easton

WUSA President 2021-2022


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